Pollendaten als "high frequency" Klimaindikatoren
In einer neuen Studie von Helama et al. Reconciling pollen-stratigraphical and tree-ring evidence for high- and low-frequency temperature variability in the past millennium (Abstract), kommen die Autoren zum einen zum Ergebnis, dass es - nicht ganz unerwartet - wohl in den "high-latitude Regionen" Europas eine MWP - Sie schreiben politisch korrekt MCA - gab. Zum anderen führen sie Evidenz dafür an, dass nicht nur Baumringdaten sondern auch Pollen-Proxydaten zur Feststellung von "high-frequency variations" in vergangenen Klimata herangezogen werden können.
Hier ein Teilauszug des Abstracts:
Climate change and variability assessments require an understanding of their long-term and period (low-frequency) and short-term and period (high-frequency) variations. Pollen data have conventionally been thought of as a proxy of low-frequency variation of past climates but of more limited applicability for studying high frequencies. Likewise, tree-rings are commonly supposed to reflect faithfully high-frequency variations, with additional uncertainties attributable to variations at lower frequencies. Here we challenge this view in the context of pollen and tree-ring based temperature reconstructions from high-latitude Europe. ...